Yearly Horoscope Cancer

Yearly Horoscope Capricorn

Yearly Horoscope: Cancer – 2018


Never have you looked so deeply at relationships as you will this year, Child of the Moon. The cosmos is reaching down its hands and turning your head in that direction. With a newfound detachment that does not preclude love, certain things become obvious that weren’t before. Rather than your usual punishing self-flagellation, [...]

Yearly Horoscope: Cancer – 20182017-12-31T14:43:23-07:00

Yearly Horoscope: Cancer – 2017


Child of the Moon, you’re as sensitive to the ebbs and flows of invisible energy around you as a fish is to water. But that fish doesn’t know it’s in water! Your immediate involvement in what’s all around you doesn’t really help you develop a healthy perspective. Quite the opposite, in fact. These involuntary [...]

Yearly Horoscope: Cancer – 20172017-03-26T16:39:11-06:00


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